Acupuncture in Stuart, Florida, does it hurt and how big are those needles? We are the oldest and largest Community Acupuncture in Stuart, Florida and we get asked quite a bit by people who have never had acupuncture “does it hurt?”. Acupuncture for the most part does not hurt at all. Sure, once in a while one point does pinch and when one goes down near the toes there are so many nerves down there that you might feel a pinch.
One reason for this is that the practitioner has skilled training and at our clinic we use a more gentle yet still effective form of acupuncture. Another reason is that acupuncture needles themselves are so much smaller than hypodermic needles. They are almost the width of a hair in some instances.
So, Acupuncutre in Stuart, does it hurt? The answer is no! We have done more than 19,000 treatments in Stuart since we opened in 2008. We treat low back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain and arm pain. We also treat anger, anxiety, low level depression, grief, and fear syndromes. Patients will always tell us it was so much more gentle than they ever imagined.