People who are considering getting acupuncture in Stuart at Treasure Coast Community Acupuncture often ask “why do you treat us in groups of up to 8 at a time instead of one at a time in the treatment room?” Once they get a treatment they never ask that question again because the answer is intuitive meaning that once they get a treatment they get it, acupuncture treatment in a group is far superior to acupuncture in the traditional western style of one person per treatment room.
How is this so? Well, if you are a teacher you know that children learn better in groups. The pressure is too much in a one on one situation. If you are a musician then you now that learning to play an instrument is easier in groups as well. Again the energetics is so intense in a one on one learning environment that groups are better. Women have been documented in research to share gynecological cycles when working together. Again a sharing of energy is better example. Religion has found that group worship is also favored over individual worship on a day to day basis as well. Now none of these examples are absolute. There are always going to be arguments or exceptions to the rule, but the overall theme here is that people do better in small groups and that is what we do at Treasure Coast Community Acupuncture, we structure the treatment environment to have the greatest healing potential for our clients. We treat acupuncture clients in a large room in a U-shaped configuration of Lazy-boy type chairs that are covered with clean sheets. We have special digital lighting and soft meditative music to complete the environment. We never have problems treating up to 8 at a time as people tend to behave better in a small group. Sometimes we have a little snoring or giggling, but that is easy to put up with.
So if you are looking for acupuncture in Stuart that you can afford (we only charge $20-40/treatment always!) then consider Treasure Coast Community Acupuncture (TCCA). We can be reached at 772-341-0326 or you can make an appointment online at
Hi Mary Margaret!