Stuart Acupuncture scene got a needed boost when Treasure Coast Community Acupuncture added Natalie Shea Giusti to it’s staff. Natalie is a UF grad who also went to the prestigious 5-Element school of Acupuncture in Gainesville, Florida for her Master’s degree. She brings her knowledge of 5-Element acupuncture to Stuart and this is a positive for the Stuart acupuncture community because most practitioners are skilled in TCM acupuncture and only get a small amount of training in the 5 element style which is the style most deeply rooted in the theory of acupuncture. The 5-elements are a way of looking at the health of the human body in absolute terms of nature and the cycles of nature. The five elements are neither religious or philosophical but they are in harmony with nature and can address the link between psyche(the mind), soma (the structure of the body), and viscera (the internal organs) when addressing health problems. It is effective in treating simple and complicated chronic health problems as well as mental/emotional health.
The 5 elements have a unique set of relationships that have evolved over thousands of years of medical clinical observation. They are illustrated below:
Try looking up the 5-elements on your Laptop or tablet and you will find some amazing knowledge on your health and how it relates to the laws of nature. The Stuart acupuncture scene is lucky to have Natalie practicing in our area at Treasure Coast Community Acupuncture (TCCA) in downtown Stuart, Florida at 555 Colorado Avenue, suite 111. or 772-249-2242.