Egoscue Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist
Appointments 4 days a week
Neuromuscular Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Postural Alignment
Start living life pain free today. Postural Alignment and Massage work to align postural imbalances and eliminate dysfunction in the body. Change your body and maximize your potential.
Meet Denise
Denise Kenlon, LMT MA44654
Specializing in Neuromuscular Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Certified Egoscue PAS
"In 1996 after suffering years from debilitating migraines and running the gamut of traditional medical tests and treatments, I was left with one option, prescription medicine. My children were very young so I chose to deal with pain instead of medicating myself. I had never had a massage and I wasn't expecting much, but I was lead to a neuromuscular therapist for relief. After a series of NMT massages (including TMJ therapy) the migraines were gone, and I have never had a migraine since! I became a true believer and referred everyone I knew with pain to this therapist. A friend eventually commented that if I did this therapy our friends wouldn't have to drive so far for treatment. That comment was like a lightning bolt for me. No one could believe in this therapy more than I did after my dramatic results. It then became my passion to help people as my therapist had helped me, especially as I had seen first hand how so many excruciating chronic conditions were not really being addressed by traditional medicine.
I graduated from Keiser University, with further training at the St. John's Neuromuscular Center and Upledger Institute. I also have countless hours of continuing education in the most effective modalities I can find including Acupressure, Myo-structural Alignment, Trigger-point, Myo-facial Release, Manual Lymph Drainage, Gua Sha, Medical Massage, and TMJ treatment.
After years of successfully helping people through pain issues, Dr. Ervolino introduced me to the Egoscue Method in a workshop he sponsored. I discovered just how out misaligned I was, even though I was not experiencing pain at the time. I was completely unbalanced but these simple stretches and exercises corrected that right there in the workshop! I was hooked, and as I read Pete Egoscue's book Pain Free, it all made sense. Align the load bearing joints (shoulder, hips, knees, ankles) and train the surrounding muscles to hold them in alignment. This was the final answer to my chronic pain clients reoccurring issues. Retrain the muscle memory and even in the case of repetitive movement you remain aligned pain free. I then became a certified Postural Alignment Specialist. My practice includes Massage and Postural Alignment. Together they treat the entire picture of misalignment and pain. "

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